Shaping lives, changing futures

The early childhood program you can adapt to your needs

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Easy to get, to do, to use – and it works

PECE – the Positive Early Childhood Education program is an evidence-based program offering tailored solutions for individuals through to whole communities. PECE helps build everyone's confidence and ability to deal with difficult situations, and develop children's potential to the fullest.

Flexible options, online learning and a mix-and-match approach means PECE can help you make a real difference. You can change the lives of the children and families you support. PECE is underpinned by the proven evidence base of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.

Find out more about PECE for…


Learn key skills and strategies to help you handle problems and build stronger relationships with children, colleagues, and parents.


Support your team while improving their ability to offer a high quality learning environment.

Policy Makers

Reduce duplication with an integrated, community-wide, cost-effective solution.

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See how the pieces fit together to improve the lives of children, families, educators and managers in this short video clip.

Which PECE is right for me?

Personal PECE


  • Online learning at your own pace, available 24/7
  • Builds on your skills to meet children's needs and help them regulate their emotions
  • Gives you strategies to improve communication with colleagues and parents
  • Research shows improvement in confidence, personal wellbeing and job satisfaction
  • Start your course today!

"I wanted to connect."
– Audrey, Early Childhood Educator

Audrey felt stressed by Jack's behavior. She described him as disruptive, argumentative and impulsive. Feeling unhappy and increasingly unsatisfied at work, she wanted to find a way to connect with him. Through doing PECE and with coaching, she decided to try some strategies at snack time. To her delight, Jack responded by engaging in positive interactions with Audrey and children in the class. Over time, Audrey was able to support Jack to develop these. Jack became a positive influence in the group.

This case study is taken from an actual participant in a trial of PECE in Canada.

Let's talk

Do you represent an agency, organization, jurisdiction or government? Let us know if you'd like to talk more about your needs and the benefits of the PECE Program for your community. Your local PECE team can help.